story about why got started was started with the idea of making video the
standard on the Internet. For that to happen it had to be easy
and inexpensive for people to share their visual message.
problem that I saw was that there are so many different
formats of video being produced, and that each format requires a
different player and sometimes special codecs (a codec is a little
translator program that lets the video player software understand
how to display the video). The software all had to be downloaded
and configured. This meant that if I was trying to look at
someone's video and I did not have the correct video program or
codec they used to record the video, I had to go and get the
program, install it, and then go back to the person’s web page.
I found that I would not even bother to go back to the person's
web page, which probably meant that the same thing was happening
to me. What good is my video if nobody is going to see it?
other major problem that I found was that creating a video for
your web page was very time consuming and complicated. You had to buy
encoding software, learn how to use it, then learn how to link the
video to your website.
of these problems were addressed by creating a simple to use web
browser based system, which allows you to record video using only
your web cam or upload video in just about any format. Then have
it converted to a web ready version that plays back using
Macromedia's Flash Plugin, which is already on 98% of computers
that access the Internet. The system also provides all the linking
information you need to add the video to any website, auction,
blog or email easily.
It is my hope that this system helps to standardize the
use of video on the Internet as a communication method. Visit our
blog at
to learn more and follow our progress.